Your Journey with our Mission - Saint John's Seminary
Celebrating 140 Years of Our Faithful Mission!

Your Journey with our Mission

January 1, 2022

On the day of priestly ordination, the whole diocese can see the result of years of study and prayer––beautiful vestments, smiles, laughter, tears of pride and joy. Family and friends gather about to receive their first blessing from the new priest.

You could not see him then, but you have walked with this priest from the beginning. Your prayers, encouragement, and support accompanied him from his first days here, when he learned the seminary’s routine, navigated strange halls, and searched for the correct classroom.

You were there through his coursework: long evenings studying alone, debates with fellow seminarians, and insightful discussions with professors. His journey passed through hours in the chapel, too: Daily masses, praying the breviary, and quiet moments before the Blessed Sacrament.

These many years of prayer and study, parish work and pastoral assignments, have formed each priest to serve you, and your family, and the generations yet to come. You have not been there to see it, but from day to day your gifts have made that journey possible.

You did not simply purchase books or pay tuition. You helped to form a man who will pass on what he received. You did more than pay for room and board. You nourished a mature and faithful spirit who will now feed and tend God’s people.

A future priest receives more than just his education at Saint John’s. He inherits more than a tradition of service. He learns to imitate the Beloved Disciple and to conform his heart to the heart of Jesus. Resting on Christ’s heart, he hears the Good Shepherd’s voice. By Ordination, he is ready to follow.

These are the priests who will provide the Sacraments to you and to your family. They will teach and preach the gospel to your children and grandchildren. They will bring Christ to His people and people to Christ.

Through your faith in these young men – and your trust in Saint John’s to use your investments wisely in forming them – you provide for the Church’s future in every diocese of New England, and in many beyond.

May God bless you for your generosity.
