Seminarian Reflection | Mr. Rodrigo Martinez - Saint John's Seminary
Celebrating 140 Years of Our Faithful Mission!

Seminarian Reflection | Mr. Rodrigo Martinez

March 22, 2021

As an instituted lector, I have been given by the Church a share in the Church’s mission to proclaim the Word of God. God’s mystery of salvation is contained both within the Word of God and the Church. It is a privilege for me to be entrusted by that same Church to proclaim the Word of God within its liturgy. In my spirituality and relationship with Christ, the Word of God is that which feeds me – a word that instructs me, guides me, and sustains me. Being instituted as a lector has made me reflect even further on the role that the Word of God must play in my own life as a living-breathing word. I truly believe that the Word of God is not only capable of informing me but transforming me. As I continue this journey towards the priesthood, the institution to lector gives me a new responsibility, one which I joyfully accept: to make the Word of God heard within the liturgy of the Church – a Word that gives life.

Reflection by: Mr. Rodrigo Martinez, II Theology

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