Rector's Christmas Message - Saint John's Seminary
Celebrating 140 Years of Our Faithful Mission!

Rector's Christmas Message

December 24, 2020

Christmas Message from Very Reverend Stephen E. Salocks, Rector of Saint John's Seminary - December 24, 2020

On behalf of the seminarians, faculty and staff of Saint John’s Seminary, I want to wish you and your families a blessed, joyful, and healthy Christmas!

In a year that has compelled all of us to maintain our distance from others, we have longed to let go of the isolation and to enjoy the personal contact and company of others, especially those we love and those who love and care for us.

Christmas reminds us every year of the way God loves and cares for us in sending us his Son.

The Celebration of the Nativity of the Lord reminds us that we are never alone. In the person of His Son, who is our Lord and Savior, God has entered into our world, into our history, and into our hearts.

Saint John the Evangelist, our patron, affirms this when he tells us, “To those who accept him, he gives the power to become children of God;” “from his fullness we have all received;” and “[while] no one has ever seen God; the only Son has revealed him.”

Coming before our God to celebrate the birth of His Son, we pray for you today – that the dawning of God’s Christ may illuminate every day and recreate every human heart and that there be Light – this time shining from us for everyone to see! Merry Christmas!

The mission of Saint John's Seminary is to form and educate your future parish priests, lay Catholic leaders, deacons, and professed religious who will continue to evangelize the world, and bring the Good News of the Gospel to your communities. We ask that you make a gift to Saint John's Seminary this Christmas Season so that our mission may continue.

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