Mass and Reception with Bishop Reed - Saint John's Seminary
Celebrating 140 Years of Our Faithful Mission!

Mass and Reception with Bishop Reed

April 1, 2022

On Wednesday, March 30th, the seminary community was pleased to welcome three dozen guests for a Mass and reception with Bishop Robert Reed, Auxiliary Bishop of Boston and president of the CatholicTV Network. This was a wonderful opportunity for our seminarians and faculty to meet and engage with the faithful who support our mission through their prayers and financial contributions.

Bishop Reed celebrated mass in the seminary chapel for faculty, seminarians, and guests. After mass, guests enjoyed a two-hour reception with faculty and all resident seminarians. Fr. Stephen Salocks, Rector of Saint John's, opened the reception by thanking benefactors for their attendance and support of the Seminary.

Bishop Reed then took the floor. He reflected on the importance of a seminary for the life of the Church: "The work of the seminary is among the most important of the Church." He noted that, as Catholics, we need our priests who draw us closer to Christ through the comfort and consolation of the life-giving sacraments. The work of the seminary provides the education and training a parish priest needs in order to serve the Christ and His Church.

It was a beautiful evening and an encouraging witness for our seminarians to see the support which surrounds them throughout their formation.

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