“Take this book of Holy Scripture and be faithful in handing on the word of God, so that it may grow strong in the hearts of his people.”
This statement is what defines the ministry of Lector. The lector is to become a vehicle of the Word in order for the people to fall in love with the word of God. The role of the lector is to read, pray, and live out the what they are proclaiming.
Members of our second theology class were installed as Lectors on Sunday, March 26 during a Mass celebrated by Bishop da Cunha of the Diocese of Fall River.
This ceremony marks an important step toward ordination. Though they may have been lectors in their own parishes or ministries, now they encounter God's Word in a deeper sense. They proclaim the Scriptures and embrace the role of teachers of God's Word.
Please keep these men in prayer as they continue this journey that will ultimately lead (God willing) to priesthood.

Mr. George Bastedo
Diocese of Rochester

Mr. Hieu Chu
Diocese of Hanoi

Mr. Lucas DaCosta
Diocese of Fall River

Mr. Brian Daley
Archdiocese of Boston

Mr. Dong Pham
Archdiocese of Boston

Br. Felix Mary Waldron, FPO
Franciscans of the Primitive Observance
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