“The Lord, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brothers, Peter and
Andrew, and he called out to them: ‘Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.’”
One moment which struck me from the ordination on Saturday (6/12/2021) is when I ascended the steps of the Cathedral into the sanctuary. I thought of the fact that I was ascending the steps, metaphorically, from an old life to a new life. I thought of the words from the second reading that day: “Whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away.” I was leaving a life behind to live a new life in service of Him, yet with confidence and hope in His power. This is huge, but God does the work and the transformation. In the morning, before the ordination, I was struck by the fact that I only needed to say a few words during the whole Mass. I had to say “present,” I do,” and a few other things yet He made me a deacon. That is a summary of ministry— He does much of the work- we must be open.
Since the Ordination, I have been struck by the words which Cardinal Sean spoke during the Mass. “Receive the Gospel whose herald you have become.” This will be a phrase which I will keep with me. From Baptisms to committals to rosary walks around town, I must be a joyful herald of the Gospel. I hope to bring the saving words of the Gospel to all- it is Good News, which the world needs today.
Reflection by: Dcn. Patrick O'Connor
Archdiocese of Boston