The Lay Formation Programs of Saint John's Seminary truly deserve to be celebrated, recognized and heralded . The positive impact the program had upon me can never fully be put into words. My life journey thus far has taught me that my carefully laid out plans often lead to detours. My GPS or God plans supersedes have this far lead me to people, places and experiences that turn out to be hidden blessings.
One of these wonderful detours was my enrollment in the Master of Arts in Ministry Program. The program was like an “Air-Hug” from GOD, requesting me to slow down sit, listen and read about HIM and HIS people. To ponder, To question to talk to HIM and to be part of a community. The program and it’s four pillars truly enriched my life. It is one of the most valuable investments I have made. I have come to understand that the spark of the DIVINE PRESENCE is found in unexpected times, people and places.
I have learned that space, time and reflection are required to recognize your authentic self. I have developed a love of scripture, a better understanding of church history and canon law but most importantly that the Church is a real Community. The late Reverend Curley used to say “now put this information in your toolbox“, and Reverend Ritt talked about “Velcro moments” while Reverend Riley would tell us the importance of stepping out of our comfort zone. Well, I have opened my toolbox often and so far I have found just the right “tool“ and all those Velcro Blips have indeed stuck to me and have come in handy in all my out of comfort zone moments. I have found Reverend Grover’s fishing parables coming to mind in the most unexpected but needed circumstances. Professor Lingertat’s poise, wit, wisdom and diplomacy I still aspire to but have yet to achieve. I guess what I am trying to say Is Thank You! Thank you to all the faculty and staff for THE MOST PRICELESS EXPERIENCE.
Elizabeth Davis (Betty) MAM’15
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