Sunday Reflection | Third Sunday in Ordinary Time | Fr. David Barnes - Saint John's Seminary
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Sunday Reflection | Third Sunday in Ordinary Time | Fr. David Barnes

January 22, 2022

Sunday Reflection by Fr. David Barnes, Director of Spiritual Formation

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

Like many of you, the seminary community prays the Angelus several times a day. This beautiful prayer causes us to pause and once again recall that moment when the Word became Flesh and made His dwelling among us. We desperately need moments like this, moments when our souls are filled with wonder and awe by the presence of the Incarnate Word, Jesus Christ.

Today, the Church celebrates Sunday of the Word of God. Yes, we hear the Word of God every Sunday, but today we remind ourselves how extraordinary a gift the Word of God is. In the Book of Nehemiah, Ezra the priest stood up and proclaimed the Word of God to the people. The people were so moved by the Word that they heard, that they raised their hands in prayer, fell to the ground, and wept. The Word of God cuts to the heart!

At Saint John’s Seminary, we are so privileged to live steeped in the Word of God. Several times a day, we pray the Liturgy of the Hours together, praying the psalms, canticles, and hymns. Seminarians study the Word of God in their classes, befriend the Word of God in the prayer, and encounter the Word of God in the daily Mass. Seminarians live their life closely to the Mother of the Word Incarnate, learning from her how to welcome the Word into their life. Seminarians experience a deepening friendship with the same Holy Spirit whose divine power brought about the Incarnation of the Word in the womb of Mary.

As a priest who serves at Saint John’s, I feel deeply privileged to witness the power of the Word of God, shaping these men into the priests of tomorrow. It is beautiful to watch the Word of God set these men ablaze with the fire of charity. God is doing something so beautiful among them. They are men who—like the people of Ezra’s time—are deeply moved by the Word of God. They are men who are being shaped by the Word of God. They are men who will zealously, joyfully, and charitably proclaim the Good News.

Many people today feel anxious, worn down, and discouraged. Their lives need a positive interruption. I am happy to report that God is preparing for them messengers of Good News. Our seminarians are preparing to become priests who will witness to and announce the amazing and life-changing truth that the Word has become Flesh and He dwells among us.

Forming Disciples. Proclaiming Jesus Christ.

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