Sunday Reflection | 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Fr. Peter Stamm - Saint John's Seminary
Celebrating 140 Years of Our Faithful Mission!

Sunday Reflection | 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Fr. Peter Stamm

October 23, 2021

Sunday Reflection: Fr. Peter Stamm, Professor of Theology

One of the great joys of this academic year has been the return of the seminarians to their pastoral field assignments. Not a week goes by when I don’t hear of a new experience that our men have gained in serving the poor, bringing Holy Communion to the hospitalized, teaching new converts in R.C.I.A. programs, and accompanying parish priests on the daily rounds of their duty. The excitement is palpable because our seminarians are drawn to serve others. Their whole reason for being at Saint John’s is to be formed according to the Heart of Christ the Good Shepherd. Through the grace of Holy Orders, they will manifest the love of Jesus wherever they are sent, extending the salvific work of Christ into neighborhoods, schools, hospitals, prisons, and schools.

The plea of Bartimaeus in this weekend’s Gospel - “I want to see” - is echoed in the needs of people today.

I want to see… that God loves me.

I want to see… that my life has meaning.

I want to see… that my sins are forgiven.

I want to see… the faith passed on to my children.

I want to see… that God is near to me.

I want to see… God at work in my marriage.

I want to see… God present at my loved one’s deathbed.

I want to see… that there’s meaning in my sufferings.

In so many concrete ways, both big and small, the Catholic priest helps men and women to see Jesus revealed in the midst of the world.

Thank you for your prayerful support of Saint John’s Seminary as we continue our mission of forming your future parish priests!