Prof. Maria Galindez-Bianco Profile
Th 6:00-9:00pm (May 25 – July 13)Summer
Church and the World
This course is a study, from an interdisciplinary point of view, of marriage in the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church, focusing upon the canonical prescriptions for its valid and licit celebration as well as pastoral care of marriage. Topics covered include preparation, celebration and recording of marriage, impediments, canonical form, matrimonial consent, procedural aspects including declaration of nullity and other marital processes as well as the formation of agents in marital matters. This course is a hybrid model of both in person and online classes using the Canvas learning platform.
New Commentary on the Code of Canon Law, edited by John P. Beal, James A. Coriden and Thomas J. Green. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2000;
Marriage in Canon Law, Texts and Comments, Ladislas Örsy, SJ., Ed. Glazier, Wilmington, Delaware, 1988.
The Invalid Marriage, Lawrence G. Wrenn, Canon Law Society of America, Washington DC, 1998.
Note from the Professor: Since the Canon Law Code is an expensive book, I am not asking the student to buy it specifically for my class. They could consult the Code in the Library. Yes, it would be important for their daily use and consultation to have (indistinctly) one of the others.