Lay Formation Programs Timeline - Saint John's Seminary
Celebrating 140 Years of Our Faithful Mission!

Lay Formation Programs Timeline

(SJS) Saint John's Seminary

(MAM) Master of Arts in Ministry

(MTS) Master of Theological Studies


Saint John’s Seminary (SJS) Faculty approved Master of Arts in Ministry Program (MAM)

Msgr. Timothy Moran, Rector (1991-1998)

Steering Committee Formed


SJS Board of Trustees Approved Master of Arts in Ministry Program (March)

Most Reverend Richard G. Lennon- Rector, Saint John’s Seminary (Rector to December 2002)

Rev. Paul E. Ritt- Appointed Founding Director, MAM Program (2000-2003)

Aldona Lingertat- Appointed MAM Assistant Director

MAM Temporary Office established in Peterson Hall


Preliminary Courses in Spring: Bishops Lennon & Coyne

MAM Program Launched in September! Location: St. Clement’s Hall, Brighton, MA


Maryellen Lenihan joined MAM, Office Manager


First MAM Graduation. 15 Graduates

Reverend George Evans, Appointed Pro-Rector, SJS (December 2002-July 2003)

Most Reverend Richard Lennon, Apostolic Administrator (December 2002- July 2003)


MAM Graduation- 8 Graduates

Archbishop Séan P. O’Malley, OFM, Cap., Installed for Archdiocese of Boston (AOB) July 2003

Reverend John A. Farren O.P., Appointed Rector, SJS (2003-2007)

Reverend Robin Ryan, C.P., Appointed Interim MAM Director (2003-2004)

Move to new location: St. William’s Hall, Brighton, MA (2003)


Reverend Robert W. Oliver, B.H., Appointed MAM Director (2004-2006)

Aldona Lingertat- Appointed MAM Associate Director (2007)

Kristelle Angelli, ’04 joined MAM Part-time, Special Projects Manager

MAM Graduation- 6 Graduates

All Souls Memorial Concert to benefit MAM Scholarships initiated, St. Julia’s Parish, Weston

Move to: Peterson Hall, Brighton, MA (2004-2008)


Pope St. John Paul II, Passed into Eternal Life, April 2, 2005 (Canonized April 27, 2014)

Pope Benedict XVI, Installed Bishop of Rome, April 19, 2005

MAM Graduation- 17 Graduates


Archbishop Séan P. Cardinal O’Malley, OFM, Cap., Appointed (March 2006)

Sr. Mary Pierre Jean Wilson, R.S.M., Appointed MAM Director (2006-2008)

MAM Graduation- 11 Graduates


MAM Graduation- 10 Graduates

Rev. Arthur L. Kennedy-Appointed Rector, SJS (July 1, 2007-2012)

Lay Formation at Saint John’s Seminary Timeline 1998-2020


Move to temporary location: Creagh Library, Brighton, MA (June 2008-January 2009)

Dr. Aldona Lingertat, Appointed MAM Director (December)

First Co-Workers in the Vineyard Conference Funded by USCCB Grant

MAM Graduation- 13 Graduates

Victor Rios joined MAM, Maintenance and Security


Move to Fifth Location: St. Gabriel’s, 149 Washington Street, Brighton, MA (January 8-10)

MAM Graduation-7 Graduates

Drs. Angela and David Franks, Appointed MAM Co-Associate Directors

Catechetical Certificate Initiated

Summer Biblical Seminar Launched with Prof. Celia Sirois


Bishop Arthur Kennedy, Rector, SJS, Elevated to the Episcopacy (September 2010). Rector to 7/12

Reverend Christopher O’Connor- SJS Vice-Rector, Appointed President, Theological Institute (2010-2019)

Rev. Edward Riley- SJS Dean of Men and Appointed Director of Pastoral Formation

Dr. Ann Orlando, MAM ‘02 offered first online course

10th Year Anniversary Gala!

MAM Graduation- 8 Graduates

Ellen Oesterle, MAM ‘09- joined MAM, Administrative Assistant/Assistant Director

Miriam Marston- joined MTS Assistant Director of Theology Programs (MTS and Certificates)

Margaret Adams- joined MAM Part time as Librarian (2010)

Our Sunday Visitor Grant received for updating and cataloguing library at The Institute (OSV)

Catholic School Teachers 50% Scholarship initiated


The Theological Institute for the New Evangelization-Established (TI) (March 17th)

Dr. Aldona Lingertat- VP for Administration & MAM Director

Dr. David Franks- VP for Mission/Director of Certificates (2011-2014)

Master of Theological Studies for the New Evangelization Degree-Established (MTS)

Dr. Angela Franks, MTS Director (2011-2014)

MAM Graduation- 17 Graduates

Promise for Tomorrow Scholarships initiated

Theological Institute expanded outreach at local/regional conferences

Silent Auction initiated with All Souls Memorial Concert to benefit scholarship fund (November)

In partnership with CatholicTV Canon Law course offered via Skype (Spring Semester)


Msgr. James P. Moroney, Appointed Rector, SJS (2012-2019)

MAM Graduation- 10 Graduates


MAM- 10 Graduates

MTS- 1 Graduate

Dr. Stephen Fahrig- Appointed Special Assistant to the President, Associate Dean (2013-2019)

Lay Formation at Saint John’s Seminary Timeline 1998-2020

TI Chapel Renovation Completed. Blessed Sacrament reserved in chapel.


MAM- 18 Graduates. Largest Graduating class.

MTS Graduation- 2 Graduates

Dr. Stephen Fahrig- Appointed MTS Director (2014-2019)

Michael Ruane, MAM ‘13- joined MTS, Administrative Assistant

Smartboard installed in JPII Auditorium


15th Year Anniversary Gala!

OSV grant received for 15th anniversary Ministry Workshops and Website Updates

Joseph Stevens, MAM ‘16- joined MAM, Part-time, Special Projects Manager

TI Staff Retreat began by Rev. Chris O’Connor

MAM Graduate Support Group began on Evenings of Monthly Formation

Annual All Souls Concert & Auction continued

MAM Graduates-12

Included first AOB Permanent Deacon Graduates with arrangement with Office of the Permanent Diaconate

MTS Graduates-3


OSV Grant Awarded

Rev. Terence Curley, MAM/MTS Faculty-Rest in Peace

MAM Graduates-13

MTS Graduates-2


TI Co-Sponsored the ‘Black Catholic Lecture Series’ at St. Gregory Parish, Dorchester

Outreach to Catholic Schools Continued and Catholic Schools Leaders SJS Reception offered

Summer Biblical Seminar with Professor Celia Sirois continued

MAM Graudates-13



Moved to The Pastoral Center-3rd Floor, Braintree

Co-Workers in the Vineyard Conference, St. Patrick’s Parish, Watertown

TI attended area Vicariate Meetings

Catholic Health Foundation (CHF) Grant approved

Summer Refresher offered ‘5 Things You Should Know About…Old Testament, New Testament, Canon Law, Liturgy and Evangelization.’ Co-sponsored with AOB.

Very Rev. Stephen Salocks-SJS Interim Rector announced

Bereavement Workshops offered

Online Auction Preview and first ‘Live’ Auction launched

MAM Graduates-13

MTS Graduates-8


Very Rev. Stephen Salocks appointed Rector (2019-Present)

Rev. Tom Macdonald appointed Vice-Rector (2019-Present)

Moved within The Pastoral Center-to 2nd Floor

CHF Grant Awarded.

Spring Bioethics Talks offered in Braintree.

Professor Celia Sirois honored as Founder of TI Summer Biblical Seminars.

Largest combined MAM/MTS Class of 22 Graduates

MAM Graduates-11

MTS Graduates-11

Rev. John Sassani, MAM/MTS Formation Faculty-Rest in Peace

Rev. Michael MacInnis joined MAM/MTS Formation Faculty

Rev. Christopher O’Connor-Completed faithful service as President, The Theological Institute for the

New Evangelization.

Dr. Stephen Fahrig-Completed dedicated service as Special Assistant to the President, Associate Dean.

Maryellen Lenihan-Completed enduring service as Office Manager.

Denise Daley-Completed abiding service as MTS Administrative Assistant and Special Projects Coordinator.

The Theological Institute for the New Evangelization was restructured and transferred to AOB along

with the Certificate Programs, Name and Facebook Page.

Dr. Aldona Lingertat now Director, of both MAM/MTS

Prepared for the sale of St. Gabriel’s location, Brighton

Sue Pedro, SJS Business Manager began weekly onsite service to the Lay Formation Programs


Global Pandemic began. Classes held in-person at St. Mary’s Parish, Dedham and remotely.

MAM Graduates-6 (Fall 2020 Opening Mass at St. Mary’s Parish in Dedham & Diplomas awarded.)

Began Celebration of 20th Anniversary of Lay Formation at SJS with two virtual events/auctions on 10/10 (Reflections on the Rosary) and 11/14 (All Souls Memorial).

2021 20th Anniversary of Lay Formation at SJS Celebrated!

Continued Celebration of 20th Anniversary of Lay Formation at SJS with two virtual events/auctions on 2/24 Lenten Retreat and 5/1 Spring Gala (Called to be Co-Workers)!

Saint John's Seminary granted Reaccreditation for ten years by New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE)

MAM Graduates anticipated-3

MTS Graduate-1