Rev. Msgr. Stephen E. Salocks '80

Rev. Michael MacInnis
Coordinator of Human Formation | Director of the Propaedeutic Program | TI Human Formation

Rev. Frank J. Silva
Coordinator of Pastoral Formation | TI Director of Pastoral Formation

Dr. Paul Metilly
Coordinator of Intellectual Formation | Academic Dean

Rev. Stanislaus Achu
Dean of Men | Sacred Scripture | TI Sacred Scripture

Dr. Anthony Coleman
Director of the Theological Institute | Professor of Theology | Latin | TI Moral Theology

Dr. Angela Franks
TI Theology

Dr. Janet Benestad
Philosophy | English | M.T.S. Thesis Advisor

Dr. Michael Coughlin
TI Church History

Rev. George P. Evans
TI Spirituality

Prof. Maria Galindez-Bianco
TI Canon Law

Rev. Peter Grover, O.M.V.
Classical Languages/TI Sacred Scripture

Dr. Aldona Lingertat
TI Religious Education

Rev. Brian Mahoney
TI Theology

Mary Ann McLaughlin
TI Spiritual Formation

Rev. Christopher O'Connor
TI Ecclesiology