EN301 WRITING SEMINAR - Saint John's Seminary
Celebrating 140 Years of Our Faithful Mission!


Dr. Janet Benestad Profile

MW 2:15-3:30pm



The goal of the Writing Seminar is that students develop the skill of writing correctly and confidently. Students will practice the mechanics of expository writing with a particular view to writing for purposes of homiletics, parish bulletins, pastoral plans, letters, emails, articles, job descriptions, performance evaluations, etc. Students will also practice the skills of writing critical reviews and research papers such as posing a research question, finding and evaluating sources, managing information, integrating quotations and source material, avoiding plagiarism, and using the Chicago Manual of Style. Special attention will be given to concerns of multilingual writers. As an incentive to good writing, students will read selections from Swift, Austen, Flannery O'Connor, et al., as well as sample academic papers.