Forty days after the celebration of Christmas, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Today, we acknowledge our recognition of the mystery of the Word made flesh and our preparation to embrace the cross of the Lenten season that will begin a month from now.
The first reading from the prophet Malachi, sounding more like a scripture from the season of Lent, offers startling and even unsettling words about the coming of the Lord of hosts. It is a day of God’s coming that is likened to the refiner’s fire that purifies and burns away everything in our lives that would keep us from experiencing him fully.
The Gospel stands in contrast to the refiner’s fire of Malachi’s message. In a passage that resonates with account of his birth in Bethlehem, we see Jesus entering the Temple as a helpless infant in Mary’s arms and protected by Joseph. As the Son of God, his first contact with his people is every bit as humble and vulnerable as the moment of his birth at Bethlehem.
Like the shepherds at Bethlehem, the older, faithful Israelites, Simeon and Anna, recognize and receive Jesus – welcoming him to his Father’s house. Like the Magi, Simeon and Anna, life-long pilgrims of hope, see their hope of redemption fulfilled. Simeon sings a song of praise, “Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation… prepared in the sight of all the peoples…a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people of Israel.” The star of Bethlehem is overshadowed by the light that has come int the world – a light no darkness can overcome.

The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, also called Candlemas, is for many in the Church the official end of the Christmas season. Many churches maintain the creche or manger until the Feast of the Presentation. The Gospel’s account of Simeon recognizing Jesus as the Messiah in the Temple and declaring him “a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel,” inspired the tradition of blessing enough candles, on this day, to last an entire year and gave rise to candle processions in churches and in the streets. The meaning of this feast continues to find support and explanation in the scriptures and prayers of this day.
Just as Simeon carried Christ in his arms, we are called to carry Christ within us into the larger world of darkness. We beam bright with Christ’s light as we proclaim the good news: our eyes have seen the salvation of the Lord.
Like Anna as well, we are called to come forward in our time and in our place “to give thanks to God.: As pilgrims of hope and instruments of hope, we want to speak as Anna did about Christ’s light to all who long for redemption.
Today, then, we pray that we may always seek to reflect and radiate the true light, sharing so totally in the splendor of Christ’s light that no one we meet remains in darkness.