Pray27 - Praying Monthly for Saint John's Seminary - Saint John's Seminary


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On the 27th of each month, join Catholics across the region in reciting this prayer for the continued success of Saint John's Seminary.

On the 27th of every month, the Seminary offers Mass for all of the benefactors participating in Pray27.

Why the 27th?

The patron saint of Saint John's Seminary is St. John the Evangelist whose feast day is celebrated on December 27th.

As a community united in prayer, we choose to hold the 27th of each month in special regard as a day of prayer for the mission of Saint John's Seminary. Each month we call to mind an aspect of our mission as we pray for the success of our critical work for the Church.


Prayer for Saint John’s Seminary
O God, our heavenly Father, who so loved the world that you gave your only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish but may have eternal life: watch over Saint John’s Seminary and the community gathered in the study of your holy teaching, that they may be rightly formed for so great a service. Father of all holiness, we pray that those whom you have entrusted to this seminary to be formed as messengers of the Gospel and ministers of the altar, will learn through prayer the truths they must someday teach, and will grasp with the conviction of faith the mysteries their lives must exemplify. Grant, we pray, that through this seminary your disciples might be holy, know your truth, and reflect your glory on earth. All this we ask through Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer adapted from: Book of Blessings, Catholic Book Publishing Corp, New York, 1989, 304-305
Bulletin Graphic

Monthly Prayer Intentions

Each month we offer up a specific intention which reflects an aspect of our mission.

JanuarySpiritual directors
FebruaryParents/families of seminarians
MarchLay Alumni
AprilFor our staff
MayFor our faculty
JuneGraduating Class and Ordinandi
JulyPriest Alumni
AugustFor our seminarians
SeptemberFor The Theological Institute of Saint John's Seminary
OctoberFor our bishops and religious superiors
NovemberThanksgiving for our benefactors
DecemberFeast of St. John: In thanksgiving for Saint John’s Seminary, its community, and its mission


  • Email us at to request prayer cards or a poster for your parish. Use "Pray27" as your subject line.
  • Download this PDF and use it in your parish bulletin
  • Share this website on your social media accounts and invite others to pray with you